Joseph T. Mormino, DDS

Your Treatment Options for Cavities

Apr 29, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by drmori
Tagged with: Restorative Dentistry Dental Crowns Dental Fillings

Cavities. No one wants to develop them, but almost everybody does as some point in their lives. Fortunately, if you do have a cavity, we offer a range of restorative dentistry treatments to improve the health of the affected tooth. At the practice of Joseph T. Mormino, DDS, we can use a dental filling, inlay, onlay, or crown to restore your tooth. These tooth-colored restorations fill in areas that have been lost to decay, lending strength and support to the damaged tooth. To find out which treatment for cavities is right for you, contact our Staten Island, NY practice today.

Cavity Treatment: Stage 1

The first step of cavity treatment is to remove any infected or damaged tissues. If the cavity only affects the enamel and dentin layers of the tooth, we will remove the damaged tooth structure with a dental drill. First, a numbing medication will be applied to the tooth and gums to maintain your comfort. Then, we will use dental tools and water irrigation to clean out all signs of infection. When this is complete, the tooth is ready to be restored.

If the cavity has grown and bacteria have reached the inner root canals of the tooth, we will perform root canal therapy. In this procedure, we will use dental files to remove diseased tissue from the root canals. Once the infection has been eliminated, we will fill the root canals with a rubber compound. The tooth can then be restored, typically with a dental crown.

Cavity Treatment: Stage 2

When all signs of tooth decay have been treated, we can restore the tooth with a:

To find out which treatment is right for you, contact Dr. Mormino’s practice today.